Welcome to the Alles Institute for Medical Research
a new advocate for scientific research
Alles Institute for Medical Research advances scientific discovery and improves healthcare by underwriting cutting-edge investigations in autoimmune disease. Through basic and applied research, the Institute aims to find underlying causes and potential treatments for a variety of autoimmune diseases, including Type 1 diabetes. The Institute also supports the development of advanced methodologies to improve the discovery process.
Autoimmune disease affects millions of people. Type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and dozens of other disorders are caused when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells. Symptoms often manifest as inflammation and soreness, which can make accurate medical diagnosis complicated. Some autoimmune reactions can have debilitating effects, leaving a person in chronic pain with vision or coordination issues. While treatment options are available for some autoimmune reactions, further research is needed for many others.

sustained funding for groundbreaking research
Alles Institute for Medical Research employees are stationed at host institutions and are encouraged to develop open and engaging collaboration with other investigators. Unlike typical grant funding models, we employ researchers directly, giving them the flexibility to better navigate where the science is leading them.
Alles Institute investigators are encouraged to explore new avenues for discovery. By working in close proximity to other scientists, they are able to share successful outcomes, gain insight, and explore alternate avenues. Our Investigators are urged to follow their instincts for developing new approaches, experiments or tools for research.

Join us
Do you know someone with an autoimmune disease? If you do, you understand the challenges that affect millions of people around the globe. Though advances have been made in treatment of Type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and dozens of other autoimmune disorders, further research is still needed.

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